I may be in the wrong dimension, but its a good one
Passive agressive is the hate word of the day. Dont drive passive aggressively, either
Charity is done in the service of man
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Does anyone here know the cost to build a city?
My botnet isnt well crafted; it's loyal
Creativity doesnt come from the bank. It comes from the soul. Modern copyright law contradicts the first amendment. Go steal a book.FREEdom of the press
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
ADd ftw. Food for thought. Those unfit for society outnumber society.
Contrary to popular belief, people are individuals
Ambulance passes man resting in snowbank. Continues rounds. Situation green?
For those times when a long night threatens to run into the next morning, and there's nothing polite to do with my thoughts but run them up the blagpole.