Thursday, June 25, 2015

Preliminary tenets of funkSylvania, for review

This is to put forth the basic principles of a res publican nation without borders called funkSylvania. The most import principle of a res publicas is that it respond to, address, and satisfy the matters of the public interest. From the latin, res - matters, publicas - people. Since the nation is without borders, without territorial holdings, funkSylvanians are almost certainly maintaining multiple citizenships to enjoy the use of the territory "owned" by the nation in which they live. All that is required to become a citizen of funkSylvania is to be able to consciously agree to participate in the public matters of the nation with dignity, decorum, and respect, and to consciously and conscientiously do so.

It should be noted that biological humanity is not mandatory for citizenship, as there are artificial and nonhuman life forms quite capable of participating in a res publicas such as this, and should they freely choose to associate with funkSylvanians, and they do so responsibly, their fellow funkSylvanians are anticipated to enjoy their common national identity with proper decorum

Since this is not a constitution, and we as funkSylvanians are not likely to codify and institutionalize a governmental body, since free association as the needs of the public arise is the basest point on which we are likely to decide to become funkSyvanians, these few guidelines should be treated as just that, and should be revised as ones' current situation requires.

Voting will not come by national mandate, rather instead as issues arise which organized groups of funkSylvanians choose to address, they can bring it to national attention as they see fit, by the means they establish for deciding action. As the body politic grows, the means of communication and finding collaborators will need to evolve.

The exchange system in the funkSylvanian economy should not deify money. It is a system of exchange of value, and the nature of the value should be openly appraised in terms that will make productive exchanges more likely, and easier to conduct, not tethered to a single rubric of monetary coin. Here are some proposed examples of different values that can be exchanged, without concern for a national currency system which would need to be overly protected by a national bank, which many funkSylanians might rather not have.:

The Erg: One unit of expended concentrated effort, as an example, moving a heavy couch could require 4 or 5 "errrrrgh"s of physical exertion which should be compensated. The erg only exists for the moment it is applied, and while naturally it can be compensated according to contract before or after that application of the erg, it should not be assumed that one can stockpile a credit of ergs, since the effort applied is only existent while it is happening. There may be use for a mental erg, a concentrated application of psychologicial effort.That is left for the negotiators to evaluate the exchange rate.

Koine: credit of origination of a variably useful meme, an idea which spreads according to its usefulness. Koine may be claimed, and rewarded, but it is hard to say whether it can be bought or sold.

Exchange rates/interesting fractions: Having handy a good way to simplify a transaction is valuable in itself, and negotiating parties should be encouraged to reward in value a participant's proposition of a good way to smooth over getting a economic matter settled.

Infobit/byte/buck: This is similar to crypto-currency, except that with infobits, the pool is expected to expand forever, and the value of the information is it coined to represent is based on the usefulness, beauty, or general interestigness of the information on with the infobuck is backed.

there are many other valued things which can be considered for economic exchange like: attaboys, karma, personal references, gossip, physical commodities, and national currency held by the funkSylvanian participating in economic exchange.

These are the basic tenets of funkSylvanian citizenship. As it stands now, all you should expect of yourself to be a funkSylvanian is to consciously agree to the spirit of the tenets, and to act in accord with reasonable participation in a body politic. There are and will be numerous funkSylvanians, and you find each other I hope we as a ResPublic can find more ways to smooth out our system of being for the good of all.

Health and good spirits to all!

-Phineas Qianto funk wrion qeemoh Larguinta, esq., sheena

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