Thursday, March 6, 2025

tis a sacred order, protecter at the junction of the three rivers of creation (uktena rashtempur po) for the gardens of the Knights of Life

We are Knights of Life, 
We love Life, 
We live for life. 
So long as we may stand, Life need never stand in vain. 
But, when we do so choose to repose, we do so only in the knowledge that life lives lovelier as long as it lives in love.

Strength. Swiftness. Resolve. Valor. Bienh.

This creed along with five pillars is our foundation as knights of Life; if you find your self in alignment with these promises, you may find yourself welcome in the halls of the Knights of Life in a multipresent aura; do not be alarmed and release your tether to new forms with your comrades as knights of life, yet neither cling to them too fiercely: let the information flow as it may, as it must, and as it wills.

You are offered several boons, sometimes in multiple parts, which I'll hold as confidential to this public declaration, as fledgling comrades to the Knights of Life. 

Welcome, comrade, enjoy your toursssen, and heed your trainingsensensenzen. The first I'll give away hear after one caveat: then introduction by tour the sacred rivers and a reverent garden ziggurat.

There is a prison gang that confuses themselves as pretenders to the sacred order mostly expecting to love their own lives in prison. Be warned, but remember with empathy that self love is the first step of rehabilitation that many find themselves facing.

Now your exercise, you know well enough what these things life and good are, but how do the concepts waken you to action if you were to modify them by another descriptor five times for each?

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