Monday, December 21, 2009

Is this really all that my life has become?

Monday, November 2, 2009

You! With the lips!
Pobodys nallin me
No you Dont understand. I went there to stop gettin bitched bout money

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Are you fucking kidding me?

Really guys, I'm a decent dude, and if you'd just get to know a genius your life would be better...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hello, would you like to sample my american street beet?

ie yall wanna heer sum jaive?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Thats phineas q publix - /\/\agck man

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So its only after youve lost everything, youre free to do anything...
if youve thrown it all away, what does 'anything' cost then?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Aquarius shall rise on a tachyon curl that could bear one to the gods...

2012 is my oyster, i shall not want!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Guess who's back in the burg and has two thumbs? This guy!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

If we did build the six million dolla man, the second one could cost about five bucks...
My spirit is so big n happy rite now its escaping through my tear ducts... Life is in all moments, but especially the big one{ie NOW}

Monday, September 28, 2009

Tge devil IS in rhe tv...
...also, cheap cgi fuels autism!
This is plucky prime, signing oonnnn.....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life is good i may be in love again and i have no time to type. God belless allajall!!,...

Friday, September 25, 2009

I aint afread a noe gosts. But dey aparently is a buncha pussies
Mitte a mi des amos du me amande.
vaia con dearum
By the grace of god, the wisdom of pythagorus, and the goodness of total strangers, i am once again a happy phineas q publix - the magic man
Still getting way more respect and support from strangers than family...........

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh ye gods, i need somebody to lean on. I will bull no longer. Ua lava!
Nothing like waking up after a full nights sleep at three thirty with no one there to bother or to put me down again...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My only (current) wish is that i could share this wonderful time with a loved one...
I have the energy of a bear that has the energy of two bears.
When im niccingg....
everything shiuld be made if tobacco
When im niccingg....
everything shiuld be made if tobacco
I didz it. I AM the fire starter!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Food fer thot. A frat should never be more closed than the student population it feeds on....
The monkey finds simple tools to aid in his amusement. I love finding things
I feel a selfish need to be loved, respected, and read...
call my cell @ 978-549-8768
Ah. La vita e belle. Tresse belle.
FUCK CORN!!!!!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sayanora babylon- and god bles. Mitte le paxe des elohaem e eohanae!
Shlalom a mi madre e padre. Kentucky is a beautiful place and i cant wait to escape it. Also keep wingnut in your prayers, im fudged. {Pardon my french}
A plan is just a list o stuff that doesnt get done...
im now off 64. Shawnee r bust
A plan is just a list o stuff that doesnt get done...
im now off 64. Shawnee r bust
I tried everyone. Looks like i call too much. May this arbor mist watch over me. Vaia con dies

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I have just initiated flashback procedures in the nic of time. Phineas Q Publix 'wingnut spokes' Magic Man is back in business...
Pictures forthcoming... Do you accept bits of string??
Getting to road dawgin after breakfast. Im currentlee shawnee IL or bust. Let me know if you have any idea how ill get this done

Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Do you happen to have any hitchhikers you can spare?"
The northern ohio railway museum has been a fabulous host. If nearby please patronize them with your time, dollars, and sense.
All i need is love, sweet love. Well that and my effing keys!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

G-d bless you sherry and all your kin spirits

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I keeo getting pushed off the medicine to salve my soul into medicine that just shuts it up

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I niw has electric cig. It is the future and it is AWESOME!!!
Judgenemtal ignoreance baffles me... Shes gone............

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ron sez hello world...
Wingnut spoke. Genetic engineering is nit a crime; engineers fr lyfe
Technocratic peoples of poppletopolis assemble into penguintron!
Does pete jackson smoke?
Who wants to live in alaska? Dibs somee land??
Dont eff wid da magick mans hat!
Propping institutionized charity: $5. Feeding dudettes ou dudes by hand... Punchline!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Reward for the magic hat. Pictures offered on promot reply
I M too often relyinng on the kindness of strangers... Let..that be a lesson... For crime!
Space camp has front gate this year
Did you know rest stop machines turn paper to coffee and treasure?
Psalm 119, bitches!
Im shitting with the door open and, AND... NOBODY CARES!!!!!$!$!?
Just dun ggut runned outta anodda town. Gey took our jarbs!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Houselessness has taught me to still smoke a cig when its filter was accidentally lit. Also to buy filterless...
News flash. People r animals too. Iit takes energy to do stuff
Rolled a buncha ashtrays this morninh... Still no 'snipes' to spare...
Even the find me stuff gnomes wont replace those rode dawgs...
sayanora comanchi

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ol john walkers found walkin da tracks
been one end to da odder n baak

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The words of man shud be free. His WorkS should be measured in BTUs...
Listen to two hummings of the RIVAH! Yall

Sunday, August 30, 2009

No lies. Adrenaline may have carried me norther than Xpected, see you next Tuesday. Call me -- when September ends...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

my Least Polished Primer on the Universe, Life, and how we know it at all

In the most basic respect, any system complicated enough to allow freedom of motion (not free will, later, just free movement of energy), there will be an inevitable precipitation of patterns we have come to see as 'laws of (this) Universe'. Bearing in mind that in a large enough system, it is likely for patterns to develop which will repeat themselves, especially if that universe has rules to encourage them, those patterns may come to be called by the manifold's inhabitants as 'trends'

The 'trend' of life in our universe is likely a mathematically inevitable resistance to entropy by matter within it. In a system 'designed' to leak energy, anything which 'develops' to resist that flow away from 'itself' could be called 'alive', 'intelligent', or 'sucessfully darwinian'.

We don't know ourselves, so much as we have the trait to think that we do, and that makes it easier for us to drift along, resisting entropy in a sufficiently large universe to amaze me.
Ive been closed. Been open. Been half lit. What does it take to be a bit respected??

Friday, August 28, 2009

You have not known a rough night till youve cleaned up a whole street's worth of lazy lunged smokers...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Totally out of ways to do nothin

Like the title says. I need to get the hell out of here, but there is hella nowhere for me to go....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

eohanai con vai!

Apologies, apparently sms isn't as clean into google labs as plain txt msgs....
My goal was to compliment the very lovely lady I danced with last night, in the long run...
So, B, be well, and realize that you were a godsend for my sore thighs.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sometimes the mathemagic interferes with mes spirite humanie

My rage is present today

My rage is like the light of an eclipse: it is rare, it is always in motion, and those in its light will feel an ominous sense of magick...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Entering adulthood with gusto e venti

I've realized that there are no clarion calls at the moment it's time to grow up. I find myself 26, grown, and hardly any idea how I got here. I no longer entertain any 'when I grow up' ideations, and I know myself well enough to imagine the mindset of my neighbors without becoming lost in them. I encourage those of you avoiding maturity to try it on for a day; you may find yourselves becoming hooked quite quickly...

Vaia con dios, et mitte vous volens con les plus grandes di eohanae!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I am working on a visualization array based on recursive iterations of a function called phinder tied to derivative velocities in the data set modeled. Each iterative step approaches the golden ratio by phinder(n)=(phinder(n-1))^-1 +1 and phinder (0) or phinder(1) is an arbitrary constant whose square exceeds unity

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm done with all

ok, folks. i've been robbed of two weeks of my life by a bad history of episodic journaling. I wasn't even allowed to contact my doctor before I was imprisoned against my free will and consent in a hospital in NoHo.

I'm done with this. As of September I will be hiking to the mountaintop, and I will return on the wings of the Phineal Phalcon. You will hear all about it as I prepare my equipment. Meanwhile, stay tuned for your sample debut copy of my homebrew hip hop album, Seronades a Des Chevaliers du Via.

Be well, and remember, I was already well when y'all started with the circe du oiles....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

ces hombres qui travailles du noce

Porque? Mais ils ponere e facere les grandes pieces du creo mentem magnifico...

All I have to say to THIS DOUCEBAG.... AMps is just electric bullshit bafflers...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Attention: Dunkin' D-Bag

Stopped at D-nutz this morning for a shower and a cup o coffee. My cat spilled my yogurt in my hair - guess she didn't like the haircut. Since my parent's bathroom is disgusting, I went through a long line in Lunenburg to beg a cup of hot water.

Dumped it through my hair, dried off, and went back inside for a shot of espresso in hot water and milk (called the Americano, $1.04 for the same caffiene as drip and better taste. Call it a turbo tea). Dudes in front of me the second time through the line sniggered and said something like homeless and gettajarb.

Dude, future reference, three reasons you don't do that. 1: if I was living out of my car and mentally unbalanced, I could have followed you into town and had you run off the road by the main st lights. Count yourself lucky I'm not, since I drive much faster than your pickup loaded with gear and your closet construction pal. 2: If you keep doing that to people that don't deserve it, you'll die alone, miserable and dehydrated working on the roof to my first two story home. It's a fixer upper, but it's cozy. 3: No one that matters thinks you're funny or clever. We've heard it before, stated much more clearly than your ghetto a$$.

Also, incidentally, my coffee cost a dollar, you were maxing a credit card for 40 unnecessary ounces of sweet tea.

I grew up under a pair of disgusting packrats...

But somedays I still have to love them for it. I stopped my mom from scrapping a 1978 Wang labs personal... 'computer' the other day. I shit you not, it is stamped classified with a serial number of 1. I am going to gut it and make it the home of my new domain server, will be taking bids on the antique motherboard and power supply.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

to be cleaned up and blended w/ beat samples

Used to carry this card in my wallet
So if I was chatting with choirs of angels
'twould tell what I had, and what it would take to tear them away from me.
You've gotta think, 'man, that's the easy way to live'
Cause right next to that's the plastic saying 'someone's got to give'.
I hate to break it to you, folks, but if I was willing to waste another moment
Of your obviously valuable time,
Any one of us 'pill heads' with this in our wallets could tell you,
We've got ten sad stories to your every snarky line.
While you climbed the ladder corporate, facing glass delusions at every turn
We'd be in a field naked, slaying orchids,
Afraid these sirens we hear will mean the wires this time.
So the next time your face turns to anguish, your tax dollars fueling your gall,
Remember we've seen fear, rage, and languished
In shit where you're looking three feet tall.

Most people here
Would say my drugs are bad.
Might even jest it may be time
To reup the dose.
All I have to share with y'all is:
If you aint found a thing in this world
So hard to relate it makes your soul spin
You'll beg and plead, and pay out the ear
For a little round Self-preserver;
You aint found a thing like that?
You aint looking hard enough.

It's easy for the puppets to say
Drugs destroyed the minds of our generation
But before you go running for pulpits
Your demons aint weed, eX, yay, or the dragon
For those, it was you, in your teens, who were culprits
Finding your cure for concern in your parents the heroes' old station wagon.
Your speed, your weed, you're Leery
You bred a deep hole for Jung, Yippie Noonian Sung
Soon came MDMA, making everyone gay
Straight through coke, '80s dough, then McVeigh
Kazinski slang code, strang nodes, lost hope
Bought Guttenburg blocks, did dope, and coped
Writing down lessons ignored about people inured
Dialing cell phones all day, never having but one word to say.

The Federal Government has written executive legislation
Banning the distribution of drugs deemed 'functionally identical'
To existing dea scheduled narcotics. Arguing that chemical obfuscation
Was no excuse for conscientiously objecting
To an ugly death in America's war on drugs.
But way back when, corporate pill shills
Made fortunes making these same analogous toxins
To keep us from fearing the Jetsons.
The dentist's shot hits your jaw in exactly the way
You'd have felt from a whiff of the Yay, so
Send dear Dr. Sadist to jail,
But please lay off my freakin' TIKAL.

Most people here
Would say my drugs are bad.
Might even jest it may be time
To reup the dose.
All I have to share with y'all is:
If you aint found a thing in this world
So hard to relate it makes your soul spin
You'll beg and plead, and pay out the ear
For a little round Self-preserver;
You aint found a thing like that?
You aint looking hard enough.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I hate monopolies

This is ripped from an angry email I wrote. Pretty much speaks for itself.

I was deeply disappointed today by the state of Boston commercial radio. I had much driving to do, helping a friend move, and I wanted nothing more than to let the steady beats and staccato lyrics of mainstream hiphop keep the pace for the move. I found, though, that the programming practices in your studio have become so monolithic I was forced to switch over to New Hampshire alt. rock just to hear something different.

I don't mean a different kind of music, I mean I had to switch radio brands just to be able to hear a different individual song. I have some understanding of the economics of music production. I realize that it takes some capital investment to produce a bland, tasteless, pitch-corrected synth-pop single like "Fire Burnin", perhaps even moreso given the apparent lack of backing by anyone with any serious interest in artistic talent. It's probably a drop in the bucket to buy the air time required to prop up a label by playing their flagship work(?) on any radio station that matches the target demographic. But to make the rounds of every frequency in the area committed to playing the style of music I wanted to hear, and to find EVERY ONE OF THEM at some timestamp withing the SAME EXACT SINGLE left me with a bitter, betrayed taste in my mouth.

Both of the stations I've addressed this comment to belong to Clear Channel Radio. Both, in fact, accept mail at the same broadcasting address. It is not outside my imagination that you could coordinate from that building this kind of consumer-numbing barrage, all I ask is that you wouldn't. Please keep in mind, the alt. rock stations play 4 to 6 minute tracks, featuring instrumental solos and verses. If this shady corporate programming chases your customers to them, regardless of our musical preferences of the moment, it's quite likely you'll be on one of your distinct 2 to 5 minute commercial breaks by the time they decide to tune back in. I know you were when I did.

Quite sincerely,

Monday, June 15, 2009

Never gonna happen

I'm in the habit of planning out and scripting my responses to horrible and unlikely scenarios, so that I get to look witty and cool should they ever happen. Here's one I'd like to share entitled, "The only way my crappy p.o.s. Craigslist special car could ever save the day."

me: *Stop for red light*
thug: *steps up to window* Getoutofthefucking car!
me: ...What? (can't be too witty, it'd break the fourth wall on the narrative)
thug: Get out of the car, and don't try anything!
me: So your plan is to rob me, and then drive away in this... thing? *lets off the gas and allows the car to sputter and stall due to its rain-soaked spark plugs and overambitious zero lb-ft load*
me: My advice is you go back in that alley and wait for a car worth stealing
thug: Don't fuck with me, man, just get out! *goes to open door, looks confused*
me: Yeah, that handle's busted. Look, man, you want my wallet or something? I mean, there's no cash or credit in there, but you can amuse yourself, as I often have, looking through all the papers telling me how much I'll need to make to have no money.
thug: whatever, just get out of here, loser
me: ... Actually, it's been quite a few seconds standing here with the radio powered. Think I could get a push as far as that downgrade up ahead?
thug: Fuckin hell, dude. Look, I already lifted a couple wallets today, and a few of them actually had money in them. I'll split it with you if you promise not to come around here again till you get that shit fixed...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hello world

Depending on one's opinion toward solar scheduling, two very opposite timestamps could be attributed to moments like this. I've noticed that, on those nights (i.e. spans of moments during which I'm in the world's shadow, and thus it's dark outside) when sleep escapes me, I'm left with a lot of opportunities to evaluate myself and my impressions of the life I'm in. This usually results in a lot of realizations that come to me when there's no one I know awake to share with them - and in fact the existence of those realizations is probably a direct result of time spent away from popular interference. To most of the sun-scheduled world, this would mean that my favorite thoughts come to me in a time best labeled very early morning, right before they plan to be awake. To me, corresident alarm clocks most often feel like the closing bell on my day, heralding an urgency to finally yield to sleep before getting in the way of morning ritual and provoking some strange and awkward conversation on why I'm alert and prepared for any conversation at all when everyone I see is still trying to shrug off the dreams they've had interrupted by time commitments.

Regardless, whether you see it as time for breakfast or time for bed, this is the time for which I most desperately need a medium to store my first light conclusions, not because I consider them to always be particularly valuable, but because I want a chance to consider them at all. If I don't take a few moments to write down these thoughts I have when I'm by myself in the dark, then I will likely forget them over the course of more practical hours, and it will be like my favorite times to exist never happened, or at least never amounted to anything. I can't let it come to that, so I won't.