Sunday, November 28, 2010

26:00 on the dot...

I'm at exactly the point for which I started this blog, so long ago. A point from which my focus has drifted over the last chimpteen posts.

It occurs to me that my mind hasn't been in the same moment as my body in about a year. In one way, this is cause to celebrate; one year without any signs or symptoms of mania. The substitute, however, sucks. I'm disconnected, useless, feeling unfit for the world. If only there was some way I could put myself correctly into gear, being present and engaged without being over the top and ridiculous. It slays me that I consistently fail to have one without, eventually, the other. I can't stand this, I don't even know what I came on here to say, lost in another moment.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I really need something to go right for me...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm back in the game, lords and ladies!